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We are a member of the Hungarian Kennel Club  MEOE  and the Bernese Mountain Dog Club ( BSHC Magyar Bernipásztor Egyesület). Both FCI affiliated.

The registered official name is "Angyalosi Berni Guido", but we call him Hansi.
He has an FCI pedigree and lives in Hungary.
Mother: Sciurus Vallis Xante / Father: Rover Riomadea Grande.
Born on November 11, 2018.
HD: A / ED free / OCD free

DM exon 1: N / N - DM exon 2: N / A
Height withers 66.5 cm, weight 52 kg
Breed test: excellent, menthal test: excellent on 25.09.2021
at the breed exam of the BSHC / Hungary, by two FCI judges: Mr. Janos Pintér and Mr. György Hartmann.

His best show results:

- Exc.1, Hungaria Prima Junior Winner //Junior class on 07.09. 2019 - CACIB Hódmezövásárhely in Hungary - Judge: Mr. Hans Almgren (S)
- Exc.1, Hungaria Prima Junior Winner //Junior class on September 22nd, 2019 - CAC Kecskemét in Hungary - Judge: Mrs. Maria Dubovenko (UA)
- Exc.1, the best junior dog // Junior class on September 28th, 2019 -CACIB Tulln in Austria - judge: Mr. Jochen Eberhardt (D)
- Exc.1, Hungaria Prima Junior Winner // Junior class on February 14th, 2020 -CACIB Budapest in Hungary - Judge: Mr. Chimiel Boguslaw (PL) 


-Exc.1, CAC // Intermediate class on October 30th, 2020- CACIB Békéscsaba / Hungary - Judge: Mr. Roberto Schill (RO)
-Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB // Open class on September 10th, 2021 -CACIB Jakabszállás-Kecskemét / Hungary Judge: Mr. Biró Zsolt (H)
-Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB // Open class on September 11th, 2021 -CACIB Jakabszállás-Kecskemét / Hungary Judge: Mrs. Maria Dubovenko (UA)
-Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB // Open class on September 12th, 2021 -CACIB Jakabszállás-Kecskemét / Hungary Judge: Mr.Igor Dubovenko (UA)

-Exc.CAC //Open class on February 17th, 2022 -CACIB I Budapest-Hungexpo/Hungary Judge: Mr. Harsányi Péter (H)


24.07.2022 CACIB-Klagenfurt/Austria: Exc.1, CAC, CACIB. BOS,  in the champion class and got the title   "Alpensieger"
30.09.2022 CACIB-Tulln/Austria: Exc.1, CACA,CACIB,BOB, Danube-Winner in the champion class   

you can see his ancestors here:
